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8:00am – 6:00pm

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Refresher Diver James (r) worked on his skills and had a great day checking out the reefs off of Fort Lauderdale, FL.

After a day in the pool re-learning forgotten skills, Instructor Terri and I took James on his ocean dives. We set out on a somewhat bumpy ocean aboard “Sea Experience II” out of Bahia Mar Marina.   Shortly after clearing the Port Everglades Inlet, we arrived at our first dive site.  Captain Joe gave us a dive briefing, and we dove on “The Caves” reef. Refresher Diver James did very well with his buoyancy and navigation despite a bit of surge underwater!

Dive 2 found us on another shallow reef called “Fisher’s Pedestal”.  Not a lot of current, so navigation and sightseeing was easy.  Navigation was a bit trickier here, as visibility was about 20ft. We saw several lobster (of course because it wasn’t season yet!) and pufferfish. Of course there were scattered schools of grunts and blue chromis too!


You will have a great time too when you do YOUR dives or certification courses with me!

Whether you’re an Open Water student, refreshing some rusty skills, or moving higher on the certification ladder, I’ve got the course for you!  Check out the “COURSES” page and sign up with me today!