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Mon - Sun

8:00am – 6:00pm

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This past weekend, Open Water student Adrienne finished her class. She’s now the newest fish in the sea!

Over the course of the weekend, we visited several local reefs and worked on her skills.  Her already-certified husband, Ian, tagged along with us.  They experienced a little of what we have to offer here in South Florida, and had an amazing time!  Adrienne’s next dive adventure will be to the Great Barrier Reef next month.  I asked if there was room in her suitcase for me, but alas, no.

Keep on diving Adrienne and congratulations on your certification!

Adrienne had a great time during her training. So will YOU when you do YOUR dives or certification courses with me! Whether you’re just starting out as an Open Water diver, refreshing some rusty skills, or moving higher on the certification ladder, I’ve got the course for you!  Check out the “COURSES” page and sign up with me today!