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Mon - Sun

8:00am – 6:00pm

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Canadian divers Sharon and Mark were here recently to do Mark’s Open Water checkout dives with us. Way too cold to dive in Canada this time of year, they opted for sunny South Florida (good choice!) and contacted us to complete Mark’s dives. Sharon and Mark went diving with Instructor Doug and Instructor Terri aboard dive boat “Lady Go Diver” and got to experience our awesome reefs for themselves.

On the first day, Instructor Doug and Instructor Terri ran Mark through all of his required skills and showed Sharon and Mark the sights on the reef. Lots of fish schools and some amazing critters like stone crabs, eels and lobsters. Sharon had only been diving near Florida’s panhandle which she didn’t like, and was amazed at everything she saw here on our coast. Her comment was “I never expected the diving here to be so great!”.

On day 2, Sharon and Mark got to experience on of our local wrecks, the “Sea Emperor” as well as another of our reefs. On the “Sea Emperor” they got to see a medium-sized Goliath Grouper, crabs and tons of fish of all sizes. Then on the reef, we had a visit from a friendly green moray who came out far enough to get nice photos. Again, both divers were amazed at how great the diving was here.

Part of our training philosophy is to show students a good time while diving, so their experience is more memorable. We think that mission was accomplished!

You will have a great time too when you do YOUR dives or certification courses with us!

Whether you’re an Open Water student, refreshing some rusty skills, or moving higher on the certification ladder, we’ve got the course for you!  Call us at 954.406.0181, check out the “COURSES” page on our website and sign up with us today!